Planning & Investments

My Approach

During my time at larger financial institutions, I noticed a common trend: advisors with too many clients, leading to generalized, one-size-fits-all advice without truly understanding each family's unique situation. This realization inspired me to adopt a more personalized approach.

By listening and understanding what's important to you and your family, I can create a tailored financial and investment strategy that fits your needs. This collaborative approach will address the specific aspects of your financial life and align your investments with what matters most to you. This method ensures we make thoughtful and prudent decisions to fulfill your aspirations and provide you with peace of mind.


I believe in a holistic approach to financial planning that considers your entire financial picture. I work with you to create a customized financial plan that guides all of your financial decisions, from taxes to estate planning and investments.

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Tax Planning

Tax planning is crucial to lowering your tax bill in retirement and improving your after-tax investment returns. I take a proactive approach to tax planning by analyzing your annual tax returns, coordinating and timing your income streams, optimizing the accounts in which investments are held, and executing annual Roth conversions as necessary. I am always happy to coordinate these decisions with your Tax Preparer to ensure everyone is on the same page.

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Retirement Income Planning

Retirement income planning is a key area of expertise for me. By analyzing your entire financial situation, I can assist you in making informed decisions about when to begin collecting Social Security, considering factors such as spousal benefits, personal preferences, and family health conditions. I can also help you determine tax-efficient ways to withdraw funds from your retirement accounts, including Traditional IRAs, Roth IRAs, and taxable investment accounts. My goal is to minimize taxes and ensure that you have the cash flow necessary to sustain your desired lifestyle throughout retirement.

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Unbiased Advice

As an independent fee-only financial advisor, I am committed to providing unbiased advice that is solely in your best interest. I do not sell any financial products or receive commissions, and my focus is solely on helping you invest appropriately and achieve your financial goals.

A blue checkmark icon.

Secure Client Portal

You will have access to a secure client portal that allows you to view your financial plan and investments at any time, providing you with the real-time information you need to stay informed and up-to-date on your financial progress.

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Personalized Approach

My commitment is to help you understand and optimize your retirement income streams, reduce your tax bill, and make informed decisions that align with your unique financial goals and objectives. With my personalized approach, you will feel confident and knowledgeable in the decisions we make together.


I build portfolios using common investment products, primarily from Vanguard. My investment philosophy is simple and based on evidence. It aligns your investments with your specific goals and is supported by your personalized financial plan.

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Keep Investment Costs Low

Research consistently shows that investment costs have a significant impact on performance. As a result, I prioritize keeping investment costs low - reducing the drag on returns and keeping more in your pocket to grow over time.

A blue checkmark icon.

Own Tax-Efficient Investments

Taxes are often overlooked when it comes to investment considerations because the cost doesn’t show up on your investment statement, but on your tax return. I believe in minimizing the impact of taxes on clients' portfolios by using tax-efficient investment strategies. This includes investing in low-turnover funds, which incur fewer capital gains taxes, and possibly using municipal bonds for higher income taxpayers. Remember - it’s not just about what you earn, but what you get to keep!

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Own Investments with History

Not all investments are created equal. I believe in constructing portfolios using investments that have been proven over time - such as stocks, bonds, and real estate. By diversifying across these asset classes, we are able to balance the risk of your portfolio while still providing the potential for long-term growth. Though there’s always a new “shiny” investment opportunity, I prefer sticking with investments that have a historic track record, and academic evidence to support the investment decision.

A blue checkmark icon.

Monitoring and Rebalancing

As time goes by, the value of your investments can change, causing your portfolio to become imbalanced. By regularly monitoring your portfolio and rebalancing when necessary, we can make sure you are not overly exposed to any one investment. When certain investments perform well and others lag behind, we sell a portion of the winners and reinvest in the underperformers. Though this may seem counterintuitive, markets move in cycles and this disciplined approach of “buy low, sell high” helps to maintain balance and protects your portfolio from the ups and downs of the market.

A blue checkmark icon.

Prepare, Don’t Predict

Because down markets are expected (but their timing is uncertain), it is important to prepare both mentally and financially. This can be achieved by properly aligning the risk of your portfolio and having the right expectations - both of which we will evaluate together.


As a fee-only advisor, I believe in a holistic approach to financial planning that considers your entire financial picture. I work with you to create a customized financial plan that guides all of your financial decisions, from taxes to estate planning and investments.

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I follow an evidence-based investment philosophy grounded in research and supported by data. I believe in a disciplined approach to investing that is consistent with your goals and objectives and supported by your financial plan.

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Tax Planning

Tax planning is crucial to lowering your tax bill in retirement and improving your after-tax investment returns. I take a proactive approach to tax planning by analyzing your annual tax returns, coordinating and timing your income streams, optimizing the accounts in which investments are held, and executing annual Roth conversions as necessary. I am always happy to coordinate these decisions with your Tax Preparer to ensure everyone is on the same page. (Tax Prep vs. Tax Planning)

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Retirement Income Planning

Retirement income planning is a key area of expertise for me, including Social Security and withdrawal strategies. By analyzing your entire financial situation, I can assist you in making informed decisions about when to begin collecting Social Security benefits, considering factors such as spousal benefits, personal preferences, and family health conditions. I can also help you determine tax-efficient ways to withdraw funds from your retirement accounts, including Traditional IRAs, Roth IRAs, and taxable investment accounts. My goal is to minimize taxes and ensure that you have the cash flow necessary to sustain your desired lifestyle throughout retirement.

A blue checkmark icon.

Unbiased Advice

As an independent fee-only financial advisor, I am committed to providing unbiased advice that is solely in your best interest. I do not sell any financial products or receive commissions, and my focus is solely on helping you invest appropriately and achieve your financial goals.

A blue checkmark icon.

Secure Client Portal

You will have access to a secure client portal that allows you to view your financial plan and investments at any time, providing you with the real-time information you need to stay informed and up-to-date on your financial progress.

A blue checkmark icon.

Personalized Approach

My commitment is to help you understand and optimize your retirement income streams, reduce your tax bill, and make informed decisions that align with your unique financial goals and objectives. With my personalized approach, you will feel confident and knowledgeable in the decisions we make together.

A blue checkmark icon.

Keep Investment Costs Low

Research consistently shows that investment costs have a significant impact on performance. As a result, I prioritize keeping investment costs low - reducing the drag on returns and keeping more in your pocket to grow over time.

A blue checkmark icon.

Own Tax-Efficient Investments

Taxes are often overlooked when it comes to investment considerations because the cost doesn’t show up on your investment statement but on your tax return. I believe in minimizing the impact of taxes on clients' portfolios by using tax-efficient investment strategies. This includes investing in low-turnover funds, which incur fewer capital gains taxes, and possibly using municipal bonds for higher income taxpayers. Remember, it’s not just about what you earn, but what you get to keep.

A blue checkmark icon.

Own Investments with History

Not all investments are created equal. I believe in constructing portfolios using investments that have been proven over time - such as stocks, bonds, and real estate. By diversifying across these asset classes, we are able to balance the risk of your portfolio while still providing the potential for long-term growth. Though there’s always new “shiny” investment opportunities, I prefer sticking with investments that have a historic track record, and academic evidence to support the investment decision.

A blue checkmark icon.

Monitoring and Rebalancing

As time goes by, the value of your investments can change, causing your portfolio to become imbalanced. By regularly monitoring your portfolio and rebalancing when necessary, we can make sure you are not overly exposed to any one investment. When certain investments perform well and others lag behind, we sell a portion of the winners and reinvest in the underperformers. Though this may seem counterintuitive, markets move in cycles and this disciplined approach of “buy low, sell high” helps to maintain balance and protects your portfolio from the ups and downs of the market.

A blue checkmark icon.

Prepare, Don’t Predict

Because down markets are expected (but their timing is uncertain), it is important to prepare both mentally and financially. This can be achieved by properly aligning the risk of your portfolio and having the right expectations - both of which we will evaluate together.


As a fee-only advisor, I believe in a holistic approach to financial planning that considers your entire financial picture. I work with you to create a customized financial plan that guides all of your financial decisions, from taxes to estate planning and investments.

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Tax Planning

Tax planning is crucial to lowering your tax bill in retirement and improving your after-tax investment returns. I take a proactive approach to tax planning by analyzing your annual tax returns, coordinating and timing your income streams, optimizing the accounts in which investments are held, and executing annual Roth conversions as necessary. I am always happy to coordinate these decisions with your Tax Preparer to ensure everyone is on the same page. (Tax Prep vs. Tax Planning)

A blue checkmark icon.

Unbiased Advice

As an independent fee-only financial advisor, I am committed to providing unbiased advice that is solely in your best interest. I do not sell any financial products or receive commissions, and my focus is solely on helping you invest appropriately and achieve your financial goals.

A blue checkmark icon.

Secure Client Portal

You will have access to a secure client portal that allows you to view your financial plan and investments at any time, providing you with the real-time information you need to stay informed and up-to-date on your financial progress.

A blue checkmark icon.

Personalized Approach

You will have access to a secure client portal that allows you to view your financial plan and investments at any time, providing you with the real-time information you need to stay informed and up-to-date on your financial progress.

A blue checkmark icon.

Retirement Income Planning

Retirement income planning is a key area of expertise for me, including Social Security and withdrawal strategies. By analyzing your entire financial situation, I can assist you in making informed decisions about when to begin collecting Social Security benefits, considering factors such as spousal benefits, personal preferences, and family health conditions. I can also help you determine tax-efficient ways to withdraw funds from your retirement accounts, including Traditional IRAs, Roth IRAs, and taxable investment accounts. My goal is to minimize taxes and ensure that you have the cash flow necessary to sustain your desired lifestyle throughout retirement.

A blue checkmark icon.

Tax Planning

Tax planning is crucial to lowering your tax bill in retirement and improving your after-tax investment returns. I take a proactive approach to tax planning by analyzing your annual tax returns, coordinating and timing your income streams, optimizing the accounts in which investments are held, and executing annual Roth conversions as necessary. I am always happy to coordinate these decisions with your Tax Preparer to ensure everyone is on the same page. (Tax Prep vs. Tax Planning)

A blue checkmark icon.

Retirement Income Planning

Retirement income planning is a key area of expertise for me, including Social Security and withdrawal strategies. By analyzing your entire financial situation, I can assist you in making informed decisions about when to begin collecting Social Security benefits, considering factors such as spousal benefits, personal preferences, and family health conditions. I can also help you determine tax-efficient ways to withdraw funds from your retirement accounts, including Traditional IRAs, Roth IRAs, and taxable investment accounts. My goal is to minimize taxes and ensure that you have the cash flow necessary to sustain your desired lifestyle throughout retirement.

A blue checkmark icon.

Unbiased Advice

As an independent fee-only financial advisor, I am committed to providing unbiased advice that is solely in your best interest. I do not sell any financial products or receive commissions, and my focus is solely on helping you invest appropriately and achieve your financial goals.

A blue checkmark icon.

Secure Client Portal

You will have access to a secure client portal that allows you to view your financial plan and investments at any time, providing you with the real-time information you need to stay informed and up-to-date on your financial progress.

A blue checkmark icon.

Personalized Approach

You will have access to a secure client portal that allows you to view your financial plan and investments at any time, providing you with the real-time information you need to stay informed and up-to-date on your financial progress.


I follow an evidence-based investment philosophy grounded in research and supported by data. I believe in a disciplined approach to investing that is consistent with your goals and objectives and supported by your financial plan.

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Keep Investment Costs Low

Research consistently shows that investment costs have a significant impact on performance. As a result, I prioritize keeping investment costs low - reducing the drag on returns and keeping more in your pocket to grow over time.

A blue checkmark icon.

Own Tax-Efficient Investments

Taxes are often overlooked when it comes to investment considerations because the cost doesn’t show up on your investment statement but on your tax return. I believe in minimizing the impact of taxes on clients' portfolios by using tax-efficient investment strategies. This includes investing in low-turnover funds, which incur fewer capital gains taxes, and possibly using municipal bonds for higher income taxpayers. Remember, it’s not just about what you earn, but what you get to keep.

A blue checkmark icon.

Own Investments with History

Not all investments are created equal. I believe in constructing portfolios using investments that have been proven over time - such as stocks, bonds, and real estate. By diversifying across these asset classes, we are able to balance the risk of your portfolio while still providing the potential for long-term growth. Though there’s always new “shiny” investment opportunities, I prefer sticking with investments that have a historic track record, and academic evidence to support the investment decision.

A blue checkmark icon.

Monitoring and Rebalancing

As time goes by, the value of your investments can change, causing your portfolio to become imbalanced. By regularly monitoring your portfolio and rebalancing when necessary, we can make sure you are not overly exposed to any one investment. When certain investments perform well and others lag behind, we sell a portion of the winners and reinvest in the underperformers. Though this may seem counterintuitive, markets move in cycles and this disciplined approach of “buy low, sell high” helps to maintain balance and protects your portfolio from the ups and downs of the market.

A blue checkmark icon.

Prepare, Don’t Predict

Because down markets are expected (but their timing is uncertain), it is important to prepare both mentally and financially. This can be achieved by properly aligning the risk of your portfolio and having the right expectations - both of which we will evaluate together.


As a fee-only advisor, I believe in a holistic approach to financial planning that considers your entire financial picture. I work with you to create a customized financial plan that guides all of your financial decisions, from taxes to estate planning and investments.

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Tax Planning

Tax planning is crucial to lowering your tax bill in retirement and improving your after-tax investment returns. I take a proactive approach to tax planning by analyzing your annual tax returns, coordinating and timing your income streams, optimizing the accounts in which investments are held, and executing annual Roth conversions as necessary. I am always happy to coordinate these decisions with your Tax Preparer to ensure everyone is on the same page. (Tax Prep vs. Tax Planning)

A blue checkmark icon.

Retirement Income Planning

Retirement income planning is a key area of expertise for me, including Social Security and withdrawal strategies. By analyzing your entire financial situation, I can assist you in making informed decisions about when to begin collecting Social Security benefits, considering factors such as spousal benefits, personal preferences, and family health conditions. I can also help you determine tax-efficient ways to withdraw funds from your retirement accounts, including Traditional IRAs, Roth IRAs, and taxable investment accounts. My goal is to minimize taxes and ensure that you have the cash flow necessary to sustain your desired lifestyle throughout retirement.

A blue checkmark icon.

Unbiased Advice

As an independent fee-only financial advisor, I am committed to providing unbiased advice that is solely in your best interest. I do not sell any financial products or receive commissions, and my focus is solely on helping you invest appropriately and achieve your financial goals.

A blue checkmark icon.

Secure Client Portal

You will have access to a secure client portal that allows you to view your financial plan and investments at any time, providing you with the real-time information you need to stay informed and up-to-date on your financial progress.

A blue checkmark icon.

Personalized Approach

You will have access to a secure client portal that allows you to view your financial plan and investments at any time, providing you with the real-time information you need to stay informed and up-to-date on your financial progress.


I follow an evidence-based investment philosophy grounded in research and supported by data. I believe in a disciplined approach to investing that is consistent with your goals and objectives and supported by your financial plan.

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Keep Investment Costs Low

Research consistently shows that investment costs have a significant impact on performance. As a result, I prioritize keeping investment costs low - reducing the drag on returns and keeping more in your pocket to grow over time.

A blue checkmark icon.

Own Tax-Efficient Investments

Taxes are often overlooked when it comes to investment considerations because the cost doesn’t show up on your investment statement but on your tax return. I believe in minimizing the impact of taxes on clients' portfolios by using tax-efficient investment strategies. This includes investing in low-turnover funds, which incur fewer capital gains taxes, and possibly using municipal bonds for higher income taxpayers. Remember, it’s not just about what you earn, but what you get to keep.

A blue checkmark icon.

Own Investments with History

Not all investments are created equal. I believe in constructing portfolios using investments that have been proven over time - such as stocks, bonds, and real estate. By diversifying across these asset classes, we are able to balance the risk of your portfolio while still providing the potential for long-term growth. Though there’s always new “shiny” investment opportunities, I prefer sticking with investments that have a historic track record, and academic evidence to support the investment decision.

A blue checkmark icon.

Monitoring and Rebalancing

As time goes by, the value of your investments can change, causing your portfolio to become imbalanced. By regularly monitoring your portfolio and rebalancing when necessary, we can make sure you are not overly exposed to any one investment. When certain investments perform well and others lag behind, we sell a portion of the winners and reinvest in the underperformers. Though this may seem counterintuitive, markets move in cycles and this disciplined approach of “buy low, sell high” helps to maintain balance and protects your portfolio from the ups and downs of the market.

A blue checkmark icon.

Prepare, Don’t Predict

Because down markets are expected (but their timing is uncertain), it is important to prepare both mentally and financially. This can be achieved by properly aligning the risk of your portfolio and having the right expectations - both of which we will evaluate together.


Get the most out of your situation

Text here describing why this section is valuable for your clients.
Organize all your finances
Estimate your tax liability
Understand how the IRS views every dollar of your income
Spend from your accounts while minimizing taxes
Determine when to start Social Security
Dashboard mockup


Variable 1: 45 Years

Variable 2: $100,000,000

Variable 3: 3.2%

Variable 4: 94


Variable 1: 45 Years

Variable 2: $100,000,000

Variable 3: 3.2%

Variable 4: 94


Variable 1: 45 Years

Variable 2: $100,000,000

Variable 3: 3.2%

Variable 4: 94

Let's get started.

Take the next step towards your financial goals with my free Financial Health Assessment.